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What is Deadlock in Operating System?

Deadlock is an important problem in computer science and operating systems. It occurs when two or more processes are stuck indefinitely waiting for each other's resources. In this situation, further progress of any process becomes impossible. This problem arises mainly in multitasking, multiprogramming and multiprocessing systems, where multiple processes attempt to use resources simultaneously.

Definition of Deadlock

Deadlock occurs when2w a group of processes wait indefinitely for resources that are held only by other processes. To understand this, assume that process A occupies resource R1 and process B occupies resource R2. If A needs R2 and B needs R1, both processes will keep waiting indefinitely, causing deadlock.


Four Necessary Conditions for Deadlock

There are four necessary conditions for a deadlock situation to occur:

  1. Mutual Exclusion: The resource is either used or available by one process. No other process can acquire it until this resource is freed.
  2. Hold and Wait: Processes hold resources already allocated to them and simultaneously wait for other resources.
  3. No Preemption: Resources cannot be forcibly taken back from another process. They can only be released voluntarily.
  4. Circular Wait: Processes in a set wait for resources in such a way that each process is waiting for resources held by the next process, and this creates a cycle.

Illustration of Deadlock

Suppose, we have four resources A, B, C, and D and four processes P1, P2, P3, and P4. If:

  • P1 is holding A and waiting for B.
  • P2 is holding B and waiting for C.
  • P3 is holding C and waiting for D.
  • P4 is holding D and waiting for A.

In this case, a circular wait is formed, which leads to deadlock.

Methods to prevent deadlock

There are several methods to prevent deadlock:

Deadlock Prevention:

  • Remove Mutual Exclusion: This is not possible because some resources can be used only by one process.
  • Remove Hold and Wait: Allocate resources to a process only when all resources are needed.
  • Remove No Preemption: If a process needs an allocated resource and cannot get it, it releases the resources already allocated.
  • Remove Circular Wait: Arrange all resources in an order and allow processes to acquire resources only in increasing order.

Deadlock Avoidance:

  • Banker's Algorithm: It is used to maintain a safe state where resources are allocated only when it is certain that no deadlock will occur.

Deadlock Detection: 

  • Deadlock detection using the Resource Allocation Graph.
  • If a cycle is detected, a deadlock exists and measures can be taken to eliminate it.

Deadlock Resolution:

  • Terminate processes: Break the deadlock by terminating some processes.
  • Recover resources: Forcefully withdraw resources from some processes and allocate them to other processes.

Practical example of deadlock

Imagine that two processes, P1 and P2, use two printers (R1) and two scanners (R2). If:

  • P1 is holding R1 and waiting for R2.
  • P2 is holding R2 and waiting for R1.

In this case, both the processes will keep waiting indefinitely, causing deadlock.

Measures to avoid deadlock

The following are some measures to avoid deadlock:

  • Sequential allocation of resources: Allocating resources in a certain order so that circular wait situation does not occur.
  • Timeout: If a process is unable to acquire the resource within a certain time, it should give up and try again later.
  • Deadlock detection tools: Detect and resolve deadlock conditions using some tools.

Deadlock Prevention and Identification

Various techniques are used to prevent and detect deadlocks:

1. Deadlock Prevention: It involves adopting policies that attempt to prevent deadlock situations.
  • Hold and Wait: Demanding all required resources at once.
  • No Preemption: When resources are allocated to a process, they are not taken forcibly.
2. Deadlock Avoidance: It uses techniques such as Bankers Algorithm to ensure that the system will never enter an unsafe state.
  • Safe State: All processes are allocated resources in a safe manner.
3. Deadlock Detection: Continuous monitoring and detection of deadlocks in the system.
  • Resource Allocation Graph: Use of graph to track allocation of resources.
4. Resolving Deadlock: When identified, the problem is resolved by reallocating the process or resources.

Disadvantages of Deadlock

Deadlock has many disadvantages, such as:
  • Delay in processes: In case of deadlock, processes are halted indefinitely.
  • Waste of resources: Resources remain idle, which reduces the efficiency of the system.
  • Failure of process: Processes become inactive due to non-availability of required resources.

Benefits of Deadlock

Deadlock does not lead to direct benefits, but it can have indirect benefits in certain circumstances:

Understanding Resource Management:

  • By understanding the problem of deadlock, system designers can develop better resource management policies.
  • This understanding can be helpful in increasing the overall functionality and stability of the system.

Security and Reliability:

Due to the possibility of deadlock, security mechanisms are strengthened in the system.
This ensures that the system remains reliable and stable.

Development of Advanced Algorithms:

  • New and more effective algorithms and techniques are developed to identify and resolve deadlocks.
  • This leads to new discoveries and innovations in the field of computer science.

Improved Procedural Management:

  • Improved procedural management techniques are developed to manage deadlock.
  • This improves coordination and communication between processes.

Disadvantages of Deadlock

Deadlock conditions have several disadvantages that affect the system's functionality and performance:

Reduction in performance:

  • In a deadlock condition, processes are stuck indefinitely, which reduces the system's functionality.
  • Resources are idle, which affects the system's performance.

Waste of resources:

  • When processes are stuck in deadlock, essential resources are idled.
  • This causes wastage of resources and reduces the system's efficiency.

Degradation in user experience:

  • Deadlock conditions negatively affect the users' experience.
  • Users have to face long waits, which reduces their satisfaction.

Failure of processes:

  • Many processes are idled due to non-availability of essential resources.
  • This affects the overall reliability and stability of the system.

Loss of time and effort:

  • Time and effort of system administrators and managers is wasted in resolving the deadlock condition.
  • This causes the use of unnecessary resources.

Data Loss:

  • A deadlock situation poses a risk of data loss.
  • If the required resources are not available, processes may not handle the data correctly, leading to data loss.

Financial Loss:

  • A deadlock situation may cause financial loss to the organization due to waste of resources and failure of processes.
  • Productivity is affected due to reduced system performance.

Methods of Deadlock Management

The following techniques can be used to manage deadlock problems:

Deadlock Prevention:

  • Implementing special policies to reduce the chances of deadlock.
  • For example, allocating all required resources simultaneously.

Deadlock Avoidance:

Using techniques such as Bankers Algorithm to ensure that the system will never go into an unsafe state.

Deadlock Detection:

  • Continuous monitoring and identifying deadlocks.
  • Detecting deadlock conditions using resource allocation graphs.

Deadlock Resolution:

  • When identified, reallocating processes or resources.
  • When necessary, resolving the problem by terminating some processes.


Deadlock is a serious problem in operating systems that can affect the efficiency and performance of the system. Various techniques can be used to prevent, avoid, and resolve it. By adopting the right measures, deadlock problems can be avoided and the reliability and performance of the system can be improved.

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