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Difference between paging and segmentation in OS

Paging and swapping are two important techniques of the operating system used in memory management. Both these techniques are used for different purposes and their functioning is also different. Here is the difference between paging and swapping: 

paging and segmentation in OS

What is Paging?

Paging is a memory management technique used for efficient management and use of memory in computer systems. Through paging, the operating system meets the memory requirements of a process by dividing the physical memory (RAM) into smaller parts.

Paging is a technique in which the logical memory of a process is divided into small blocks of equal size, called pages. In contrast, physical memory is also divided into blocks of equal size, called frames. When a process is loaded into memory, its pages are loaded into the available frames.

Paging is a method in which the logical memory of a process is divided into small blocks of equal size called pages. In contrast, physical memory is also divided into blocks of equal size called frames.

Paging is an important memory management technique that allows the operating system to use memory efficiently. This method works by dividing the process's memory into small pages and loading them into available frames. Paging has many benefits, such as efficient use of memory and support for multitasking, but it also has some disadvantages, such as internal fragmentation and the overhead of page tables. When used correctly, paging can make memory management more effective and efficient.

Definition of Paging

Paging is a method in which the logical memory of a process is divided into small blocks of equal size called pages. Similarly, the physical memory is also divided into blocks of equal size called frames. When a process runs, its pages are loaded into the available frames.

Working of Paging

  • Segmentation of Logical Memory: The logical memory of the process is divided into pages of equal size. These pages are all of the same size, such as 4KB, 8KB, etc.
  • Segmentation of Physical Memory: The physical memory is also divided into frames of equal size. The size of the frames is equal to the size of the pages.
  • Page Table: Paging has an important data structure called the page table. This table stores the physical frame number of each page. When a process wants to access the memory, the page table is used to convert the logical address to a physical address.
  • Address Translation: When a process wants to access the memory, the page table is used to convert the logical address to a physical address. The logical address is divided into a page number and an offset. The page number is a pointer to the entry in the page table and the offset indicates the position within the page.

Need of Paging

The main purpose of paging is to solve the problem of memory fragmentation and ensure maximum memory utilization. Through paging:
  • Effective use of memory: Paging makes effective and efficient use of memory possible by dividing the memory into smaller parts.
  • No external fragmentation: The method of paging does not have the problem of external fragmentation, as all the pages and frames are of the same size.
  • Support multitasking: Through paging multiple processes can be loaded into memory at the same time, making multitasking possible.
  • Partial loading: Due to paging the entire process does not need to be loaded into memory, only the required pages can be loaded.

Function of Paging

  • Segmentation of Logical Memory: The logical memory of the process is divided into pages of equal size. These pages are all of the same size, such as 4KB, 8KB etc.
  • Segmentation of Physical Memory: The physical memory is also divided into frames of equal size. The size of the frames is equal to the size of the pages.
  • Page Table: Paging has an important data structure called the page table. This table stores the physical frame number of each page. When a process wants to access the memory, the page table is used to convert the logical address into a physical address.
  • Address Translation: The page table is used to convert the logical address into a physical address. The logical address is divided into a page number and an offset. The page number is a pointer to the entry in the page table and the offset indicates the position within the page.

Advantages of Paging

  • Efficient use of memory: Smaller parts of memory can be used through paging, which leads to better memory utilization.
  • No external fragmentation: There is no external fragmentation in paging as all pages and frames are of the same size.
  • Support to multitasking: Due to paging, multiple processes can be loaded into memory at the same time, which makes multitasking possible.
  • Partial Loading of Processes: Due to paging, the entire process does not need to be loaded into the memory, only the required pages can be loaded.

Disadvantages of Paging

  • Internal Fragmentation: Paging may cause internal fragmentation, as some part within a page is not in use.
  • Page Table Overhead: There is an overhead of maintaining the page table, which may lead to additional memory consumption.

Page Fault

In a paging system when a process tries to access a page which is not present in the memory, this condition is called a page fault. When a page fault occurs, the operating system loads that page from disk into the memory and then restarts the process

What is Segmentation?

Segmentation is an important memory management technique that facilitates programs to use memory efficiently by dividing them into logical units. This technique supports the program structure in a better way and enhances memory security. However, it also has some disadvantages such as external fragmentation and the overhead of segment tables. Segmentation can make memory management more effective and structured when used correctly.

Segmentation is a memory management technique used in computer systems to divide the memory of a program into logical units. The main purpose of this technique is to use the memory efficiently and store the program in the memory in a more organized manner. Segmentation is an important method of memory management, which divides different parts of the program into different segments.

Segmentation is the process in which the memory of a program is divided into different logical units or segments. Each segment stores a specific type of information, such as code segment, data segment, stack segment, etc. This division is based on logical size rather than fixed size.

Segmentation is a technique in which the memory of a process is divided into logical blocks of different sizes, called segments. Each segment has a specific purpose, such as code segment, data segment, and stack segment. This division is based on the logical structure of the process, making program management and error detection easier.

Definition of Segmentation

Segmentation is the process in which the memory of a program is divided into different logical units or segments. Each segment stores a specific type of information, such as code segment, data segment, stack segment, etc. This division is based on logical size rather than fixed size.

Working of Segmentation

  • Logical Segmentation: The memory of the process is divided into logical units. Each segment has its own name and size, which is determined according to its requirements. For example, the code segment contains the program instructions, the data segment contains variables, and the stack segment contains run-time data.
  • Segment Table: Segmentation involves an important data structure called the segment table. This table stores the base address and length of each segment. When a process wants to access the memory, the segment table is used to convert the logical address into a physical address.
  • Address Translation: The segment table is used to convert the logical address into a physical address. The logical address is divided into a segment number and an offset. The segment number is a pointer to the entry in the segment table and the offset indicates the position within the segment. This process is called address translation.

Advantages of Segmentation

  • Segmentation based on logical units: Through segmentation, the program is divided based on its logical units, which makes the program easier to manage and detect errors.
  • Supports program structure: It supports the program structure better as each segment has a specific function.
  • Efficient memory usage: Efficient memory usage is possible due to segmentation, as segments can be of different sizes and can be divided as required.
  • Security and Protection: Memory security and protection can be enhanced through segmentation as each segment can have different protection policies.

Disadvantages of Segmentation

  • External fragmentation: Segmentation can cause external fragmentation because contiguous free space in memory cannot be found for segments of different sizes.
  • Segment table overhead: There is an overhead in maintaining the segment table, which can lead to additional memory consumption.
  • Difficult address translation: The process of address translation can be more complex because the logical address has to be broken down into segment numbers and offsets.


Paging and swapping both are important memory management techniques that help the operating system to run effectively. Paging mainly focuses on using small parts of the memory, while swapping focuses on bringing the entire process in and out of the memory. The correct use of both these techniques can increase the performance and efficiency of the system.

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