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Difference between Multiprogramming, multitasking, multithreading and multiprocessing

In computer science, various processing techniques are used to increase the efficiency and performance of the system. The major techniques among these are: multiprogramming, multitasking, multithreading and multiprocessing. The purpose of these techniques is to make optimal use of the resources of the system and execute different tasks simultaneously. In this article, we will discuss all these four techniques in detail.


Multiprogramming is a technique in which more than one program is kept in the main memory at a time so that the use of the CPU can be maximized. Its purpose is to reduce the wasted time of the CPU.

Multiprogramming is a computer operation technique in which more than one program is loaded into the main memory at a time to maximize CPU utilization. Its main purpose is to reduce CPU wasted time and increase the overall efficiency of the system.

In multiprogramming, when a program is performing an I/O operation and the CPU becomes idle, the CPU immediately switches to another program that is ready for execution. Thus, CPU time is not wasted and switching and interleaving between different programs takes place. This process ensures that the CPU is always executing some program.


Parallel execution: In multiprogramming, different programs are executed simultaneously, which increases the efficiency of the system.

Optimal utilization of CPU: This technique is designed to maximize the use of the CPU, so that the CPU can be kept active for a longer time.

Switching and Interleaving: In multiprogramming, switching and interleaving is done between processes so that no CPU time is wasted.


A simple example of multiprogramming is when multiple programs such as a word processor, web browser, and email client are running simultaneously on a computer. While one program is performing I/O operations, the CPU executes other programs.


Multitasking is a technique in which multiple tasks are executed simultaneously at a time. It allows the user to perform different tasks in parallel.

Multitasking is a computer technique in which a system CPU can handle more than one task at a time. Its main purpose is to make the use of computer time more efficient and effective for the user.

In multitasking, the computer can handle multiple tasks at a time. The user can use different applications at a time such as word processing, web browsing, email, gaming, etc., and the system can run multiple processes simultaneously.


  • Retroactive Switching: In multitasking, switching between tasks happens rapidly so that it appears to the user that all tasks are being executed simultaneously.
  • User Feedback: This technique is designed to give better feedback to the user, allowing them to perform multiple tasks at the same time.
  • Resource Management: In multitasking, the system resources are managed effectively so that all the tasks can run smoothly.


An example of multitasking is when a user is working on a word document, listening to music, and browsing the internet at the same time on his computer. The operating system switches between the various tasks so that all the tasks can be executed effectively.


Multithreading is a technique in which multiple threads (micro-processes) are executed simultaneously within a single program or process. Its purpose is to increase the efficiency and performance of the program.

Multithreading is a computer technology that provides the ability to run more than one thread at a time. It allows tasks to be executed separately, thereby streamlining and automating the user experience.

In multithreading, more than one thread can run at a time, performing related or unrelated tasks. These processes combine their tasks to make use of time and resources more efficient.


  • Parallel execution: In multithreading, threads execute in parallel, which increases the speed and response time of tasks.
  • Shared use of resources: In this, all the threads share the resources of the same process, which leads to optimal use of resources.
  • Unfortunate state management: Multithreading requires coordination and synchronization between threads to avoid problems such as deadlocks and race conditions.


An example of multithreading is when a web server handles multiple client requests at the same time. Each request executes in a separate thread, improving the response time of the server.


Multiprocessing is a technique in which more than one processor or CPU is used at the same time so that multiple processes can execute in parallel. Its purpose is to increase the overall performance and speed of the system.

Multiprocessing is a computer technology that provides the ability to run more than one process at a time. It allows multiple processes to be run at the same time, which may be needed for different tasks or by the user.

In multiprocessing, each process can use its own resources, such as main memory, central processing unit (CPU), and other process-operation resources. This makes the computer system more efficient and coherent at a higher level, as different processes can be run at the same time.


  • True parallelism: Multiprocessing has true parallelism as it involves multiple processors working simultaneously.
  • High performance: This technique increases the overall performance and response time of the system.
  • Sequenced and parallel processing: Multiprocessing requires coordination between processes so that they can execute effectively in parallel.


An example of multiprocessing is when heavy calculations and simulations are executed simultaneously in a scientific research. For this, multiple processors or CPUs are used to save time and increase the speed of calculations.


Multiprogramming, multitasking, multithreading and multiprocessing are the four major techniques that help in increasing the efficiency and performance of a computer system. These techniques make optimal use of the system resources and allow the user to execute various tasks simultaneously. Each technique has its own importance and use, and these are applied according to the requirements and objectives of the system. Proper use of these techniques makes the computer system more effective and efficient.

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